Sustainable Mining, Sustainable Returns
The sustainability of our operations and the positive impact of our business is a founding, guiding principle at Perseus.
A Sustainable Mining Business
We believe responsible gold mining can have a positive impact in fostering long-term growth in emerging countries while delivering sustainable returns for shareholders.
We work among and alongside communities in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, to protect the environment, and deliver local employment, education and enterprise.
We have built a resilient and reliable business, by listening to the needs and concerns of communities, remaining committed to deliver lasting commercial value through a world-class gold mining business in West Africa.
As we continue to expand our operations, Perseus will strive to set a new standard for responsible mining by promoting and protecting our value and our values.
Our Approach
We believe responsible gold mining can play a key role in sustainable development. We maintain high standards of governance, deep respect for the environment and care for the welfare of our employees, contractors and the communities in which we operate. We understand and manage health, safety, environmental and social risks and opportunities to ensure safe and stable exploration, development and operation of our mines; maximising the value we create for our host countries and local communities.
We continue to broaden our approach to sustainability, increasingly integrating sustainability in our decision-making so that it is part of what we achieve and how we achieve as a world-class multi-mine, multi-jurisdictional gold producer.
This is key to our company vision and delivering on our mission to create material value for all our stakeholders, in fair and equitable proportions, as a 500,000+ ounce per year gold producer.
Fy24 Highlights
~96% Local employment within countries of operation
~US$717M Total FY23 Economic Contribution to our host countries
Local procurement increased to~87% in FY24, up from 79% in FY23
Our emissions intensity remained stable at 0.53 tonnes of CO2e per ounce of gold produced
Reduced our group rolling 12-month total recordable injury (TRIFR) frequency rate to1.06
Achieved Executive Gender Diversity of 50% with Board Gender Diversity of 33%, as at 30 June 2024
Materiality Analysis & Sustainability Framework
We review our sustainability materiality analyses each year to focus our efforts on the key issues that are important to our operations, shareholders, host governments, communities, and customers. In 2020, we engaged independent sustainability risk expert, KPMG, to refresh our materiality analysis, and conduct a deeper analysis of our sustainability risks and opportunities. These material issues and focus areas are outlined in our Sustainability Performance Framework. In line with our commitment and to advance our annual analysis, we intend to conduct a comprehensive review of our materiality analysis in FY24 to update our material sustainability topics and ratings
Alignment to Global Frameworks and Standards
We are applying international best practice through alignment to and reporting against key frameworks and standards.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) aim to foster economic growth, ensure social inclusion and protect the environment. We contribute to the UNSDGs through our operational, procurement and social investment activities. We collaborated with government and community stakeholders in our host countries and identified the following eight SDGs that we prioritised the most as an organisation:Â