A rapidly growing African focused gold producer, developer and explorer
Perseus Mining is an Australian mining company that currently operates three gold mines in Africa: Edikan in Ghana, and Sissingué and Yaouré in Côte d’Ivoire. Perseus also owns the Nyanzaga Gold Project in Tanzania and the Meyas Sand Gold Project in Sudan.

Perseus achieved annual gold production of 509,977oz at an all-in site cost (AISC) of US$1053/oz in FY24.
Our first mine, the Edikan Gold Mine in Ghana, has produced more than 2 million ounces of gold since commencing commercial production in 2012. Based on current Ore Reserves, Perseus will recover a further 1.3 million ounces of gold from Edikan over the remaining mine life.
Perseus became a multi-mine, multi-jurisdiction gold producer in January 2018 when it opened its second mine, the Sissingué Gold Mine in Côte d’Ivoire. Its third gold mine, the Yaouré Gold Mine, also in Côte d’Ivoire, commenced commercial production in March 2021.
Perseus acquired the Nyanzaga Gold Project in Tanzania in 2024 via its acquisition of OreCorp (ASX: ORR) and also owns the Meyas Sand Gold Project in northern Sudan.
Perseus has an experienced and focused board and management team with a track record of delivering on promises, maximising cash flow to improve shareholder returns, and providing capital growth for shareholders through exploration success and judicious acquisitions.
Company Highlights

Multi-mine multi-jurisdictional African gold producer, developer and explorer

2024 Fiscal Year gold production of 509,977 ounces at US$1,053/oz AISC

FY24 Notional Cashflow ofUS$490M

FY24 Total Dividends of 5.0 cents per share - A$68.7M returned to Shareholders

~US$735M Total FY24 Economic Contribution to our host countries

~96% Local employment within countries of operation and strong "licence to operate"
Our Business
Perseus Mining is focused on discovering, acquiring and developing a portfolio of good quality gold producing assets in Africa. Perseus currently operates three gold mines: Edikan in Ghana, and Sissingué and Yaouré in Côte d’Ivoire.
Perseus produced 509,977oz gold at an ASIC of US$1,053/oz for the Financial Year ending 30 June 2024.

Sustainable Development
Speak Up Hotline
Perseus has set up an external Speak Up Hotline which is independently managed by an external service provider. The Speak Up Hotline enables you to report any concerns you may have, anonymously if you wish, about inappropriate conduct, wrongdoing, or breaches of Perseus’s Code of Conduct, through a safe and independent channel.