Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Nothing is more important to our business than providing a safe working environment for employees and contractors across our value chain, from exploration to closure, with the aim of causing zero harm.
We take a holistic approach to the identification and management of health, safety and wellbeing risks to provide a safe working environment for our employees and contractors. Due to the very nature of our work there are a range of known hazards managed across all of our operations.
Our Performance Framework for managing health, safety and wellbeing includes:
1. Governance, Risk Management and Assurance systems and processes that seek to achieve continuous improvement in health and safety performance. These include:
- Individual occupational health and safety plans
- Group and Operational level crisis management plans
- Site-specific Emergency Response Plans designed around emergency scenarios
- Pre-shift safety meetings, and tools such as “Take 5” and Job Hazard Analysis for maintenance and exploration activities
- Medical assessment of new employees
- Health and safety assessment of contractors and vendors
- Task-specific personal protective equipment, including hearing protection, safety glasses, dust masks and breathing apparatusl
2. Growing our capability in keeping our people healthy and safe by providing:

- Relevant and suitable facilities, equipment, and resources
- Training
- Management systems that enable us to continually monitor and improve our performance
- Role-specific training as required, such as cyanide use and handling, on-site driving, and hot work
- Trained health and safety professionals to guide risk management and monitor implementation of our standards at our operations
- External international medical providers at our on-site clinics, including doctors, nurses and paramedics to attend to general health needs and medical emergencies
3. Establishing and reporting against health and safety metrics and targets, such as total recordable injury frequency rates, and seeking year on year improvement.
Our aim is to continuously improve our health and safety performance year on year, with the ultimate aim of achieving zero harm.
Our large-scale intensive program ‘Safely Home Every Day’ aims to create and influence a strong health and safety culture across our work areas.
In FY24, our safety performance across the Group improved with our Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) reduced from 1.20 in FY23 to 1.06 in FY24 (12% improvement) and our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) reduced from 0.24 in FY23 to 0.15 in FY24 (37% improvement)