Social Development
Each of our mines support a high level of local employment, support local enterprise and have skills based training programs designed around developing transferable skills and qualifications.
Community Support
Cash donations and in-kind support continued to be provided by Perseus Mining by its operations to their host communities.Â
Perseus contributes USD $300,000 annually to the Edikan Trust Fund, which was established by Perseus to fund infrastructure and livelihood development initiatives determined by the local communities adjacent to the Edikan Gold Mine. Perseus annually provides an additional amount of approximately USD $ 200,000 worth of support for various community projects and the continuation of our tertiary scholarship program.
 Community projects included:
- Gyaman – construction of a health centre;
- Abenabena – construction of a community centre;
- Ayanfuri – construction of a kitchen at Ayanfuri Senior High School and the provision of dining room furniture;
- Ayanfuri – construction of a six-unit classroom block;
- Nkonya – construction of a community centre;
- Fobinso – water expansion project;
- Catchment communities – scholarships for 96 students to attend high school or tertiary institutions; and
- Exploration communities – supply of building materials
At Sissingué, government regulations require that 0.5% of the revenue generated by the Sissingué Gold Mine is paid to the local Community Development Fund which is a fund administered by local officials to finance a range of community determined initiatives including new infrastructure and livelihood development programmes. In 2019, Sissingué contributed USD $532,000 to the Community Development Fund and in 2020 this amount increased to close to US$750,000.Â
This money has been used to support 13 different community development projects across the Sissingué Gold Mine’s local host communities:
- Sissingué – construction of a medical clinic;
- Ziekoundougou, Zanikan, M’Basso, Tialaka and Papara – the construction of school classrooms;
- Doubasso (actual) and Gbeni (planning phase) – the construction of a dispensary and nurse’s accommodation;
- Basso – construction of a community centre;
- Tengrela – extending high voltage electricity infrastructure to parts of the town;
- Tiongoli – construction of a water tower;
- Kanakono (planning phase) – the construction of a medical laboratory; and
- 12 impacted villages – youth training program in welding.
At Yaouré, the same government regulations as those that apply at Sissingué regarding funding of a local Community Development Fund will apply which will result in 0.5% of all revenue generated at Yaouré being paid to the community administered fund. In addition, cash and in-kind support will also continue to be donated to the local communities at Yaouré, for activities including the grading of public roads and cultural and festive celebrations.

Edikan community projects included:
- Gyaman Health Centre
- Donation to Exploration communities and Scholarship beneficiaries from Nkonya community
- School quiz competition
- Cleanup exercise
- International Women’s Day
- Donation of mosquito nets to Pentecost Health Centre
- Friendly football games were organized for catchment communities to promote healthy living and strengthen relationships
At Sissingué
$750,000 in 2020
Community Engagement
Perseus engages with community leaders, local and district governments and community members to understand issues and respond to them promptly. A formal grievance management process allows our stakeholders across all of our operations to raise and resolve matters in a timely manner.
Community consultation committees are supported by Perseus to assist in the interaction between Perseus and its host communities.