64,040 oz/gold

FY24 Total Production

2 years

Life of Mine

441,000 oz/gold


254,000 oz/gold

P&P Reserves

Sissingué Complex

86% owned by Perseus

Sissingué in the north of Côte d’Ivoire, near the border of Mali, became Perseus’ second gold mine when it was developed ahead of time and on budget in January 2018. High-grade gold ore is sourced from one main open pit and several smaller satellite open pits and processed through a conventional 1.4 million tonnes per annum CIL processing facility. In FY24, the mine produced more than 64,000oz of gold at an AISC of US$1,641/oz.

Since its inception, Sissingué has exceeded all expectations in terms of run time, throughput rates, recovery and gold production. By including development of satellite deposits Fimbiasso and Bagoé, Perseus has extended Sissingué’s mine life to March 2026, with potential for further extension by processing low-grade stockpiles.


The Sissingué Gold Mine and satellite deposits are situated on the Syama-Boundiali Greenstone Belt. The terrain is comprised of undifferentiated granitoids, flysch sediments, intermediate volcanics, and small occurrences of mafic intrusives and molasse sediments.

The Sissingué Gold Mine main pit mineralisation is structurally controlled and mainly hosted within a granitic stock associated with a network of quartz-carbonate veins and veinlets with associated pyrite and arsenopyrite dissemination. Gold-bearing veins have a dominant NNW to NS trend and are steeply dipping. Disseminated mineralisation is also located in the alternation envelops of the mineralised quartz veins.

Sissingué Production Process

Workforce & Community

Perseus is the major provider of formal employment in the local community which traditionally has supported subsistence farming and grazing activities. We employ more than 600 employees and contractors at Sissingué Gold Mine. About 94% of our workforce is Ivorian nationals and more than 50% are drawn from the villages nearest the mine.

Importantly, Sissingué has developed a very high level of community engagement through the construction and operation of the mine and as a major employer and provider of benefits to the host community, it currently enjoys strong levels of community support. Sissingué provides a high level of local employment, supports local enterprise (59% of the food supplies are sourced locally) and conducts skills-based training programs to provide transferable skills. Of the total revenue generated annually by Sissingué, 0.5% is paid into the Community Development Fund (CDF) which is managed by a representative committee to deliver infrastructure and programs for the 12 communities nearest the Sissingué Mine.

Find out more about our Community Approach in our Sustainable Development section.

Perseus Mining Sissingué Site Visit

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