Corporate Directory
Cash donations and in-kind support continued to be provided by Perseus Mining to its host communities. Perseus engages with community leaders, local and district governments and community members to understand issues and respond to them promptly
Community Support
Cash donations and in-kind support continued to be provided by Perseus Mining to its host communities. In addition to more structured programs, Edikan provided US$40,888 worth of services and equipment as well as US$89,506 in donations.
Projects included:
- Re-shaping of community roads;
- Renovation of institutional buildings;
- Providing clinic equipment to health facilities at Wassa Amenfi East;
- Providing petrological microscopes to the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa; and
- Providing computer equipment to schools in the
- Jomoro constituency

Two new boreholes were drilled at Ayanfuri and were mechanized to replace the Ayanfuri community water pump station that was close to the Esuajah North pit.
This year, Perseus contributed US$300,000 to the Edikan Trust Fund, which was established by Perseus to support the local communities. Some of the major projects funded during the year include the construction of school classrooms, health centres, nurse’s accommodation, community centres, an elevated water tank and student scholarships.
At Sissingué, 0.5% of gold sales proceeds are paid to a Local Development Fund to be used on projects in affected communities. In addition, funding was provided to the local communities to support initiatives such as sporting events and cultural events and ceremonies. Mosquito nets were provided to some community members and Perseus worked with the National Health Authority to get free Meningitis vaccines administered to residents of Sissingué, M’Basso, Tialaka and Tengrela.
Over US$17,000 was contributed to support community activities at Yaouré, including football, cultural and other community events, the provision of school furniture and grading of roads.
Edikan community projects included:
- Abenabena Health Centre
- Donation to Exploration communities and Scholarship beneficiaries from Nkonya community
- School quiz competition
- Cleanup exercise
- International Women’s Day
- Donation of mosquito nets to Pentecost Health Centre
- Friendly football games were organized for catchment communities to promote healthy living and strengthen relationships
At Sissingué
of services, equipment and donations
Community Engagement
Perseus engages with community leaders, local and district governments and community members to understand issues and respond to them promptly. A formal grievance management process allows our stakeholders across all of our operations to raise and resolve matters in a timely manner.
Community consultation committees are supported by Perseus to assist in the interaction between Perseus and its host communities.